Guidance is an area where students can receive assistance with educational planning, career goals, personal counselling, or referrals to outside agencies. Guidance counsellors are teachers with additional expertise in the area of Guidance and Career Education and are trained to help students make informed decisions about their future.
Address Change
If you have moved or are planning a move, please provide the Guidance secretary with proof of your new address. Acceptable documents include a current utility bill or new purchase/lease agreement. Transportation requires up to 5 school days to process address change requests.
Appointment Requests
Appointment Requests may be made through the "Request an Appointment" link at the bottom of this tab, or students may come to the Guidance Office to book an appointment with a Counsellor.
Guidance appointments take place during school hours and students may choose to meet with any of our Guidance Counsellors if their appointment is for personal reasons. Otherwise, they will be scheduled with a Counsellor based on the purpose of their appointment as each Counsellor comes with a specific area of expertise (i.e. scholarships, skilled trades, student exchange programs, etc.).
A green slip will be given to the student by their Homeroom Teacher the morning of their appointment with the appointment time. This process helps prevent forgotten appointments. If the student is absent or missed their appointment, an appointment will be rescheduled for them.
Commencement 2025 - June 26, 2025 1 pm at Scugog Arena
Grade 12 students who will have completed all diploma requirements will be invited to our Commencement ceremonies.
Note: Students who will not graduate by the end of the school year, should book an appointment with a Guidance Counsellor to develop a plan. If the plan allows the student to have successfully completed their diploma requirements by August 31, 2025, they will be invited to the Commencement ceremonies in June. They will be able to pick up their diploma in September once their diploma requirements have been met. Students who return to PPHS in the Fall of 2025 to complete diploma requirements will be invited to the Commencement ceremonies in the following year (June 2026).
Courses taken outside of PPHS: If you are taking a course with a private institution outside of PPHS (ie) Blythe, OVS, VHS, etc. please see Ms. A. Schilling in Guidance for information and directions. The final mark for these courses needs to be sent directly to the PPHS’ Guidance Department by June 6th, 2025 at the latest.
Community Involvement Hours: Community Involvement Hours should be completed and submitted by June 6th, 2025 at the latest.
Online Learning Graduation Requirement
If you have not completed the "Online Learning Graduation Requirement" and have not filled in the "Online Learning Graduation Requirement Opt-Out" form, you will not graduate. Please pick up the opt-out form in Guidance or download it from the Guidance webpage of our PPHS website.
Commencement Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships Students have been invited to a Commencement Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships 2025 Google Classroom. Students will find valuable information and have an opportunity to apply for specific PPHS Commencement awards, bursaries and scholarships. We will also be using this platform for nominating and voting for the 2025 Valedictorian.
Community Involvement Hours
Students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as part of the diploma requirements. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage students to develop an awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities. Students will plan and select their community involvement activities in consultation with their parents and as part of the IPP (Individual Pathways Plan).
Although this diploma requirement applies to students in Grade 9 to 12, students in Grade 8 are able to start accumulating community involvement hours in the summer before they enter Grade 9. Students are encouraged to complete a minimum of 10 hours per year.
If students are unsure of whether the activity meets the requirements for eligibility, please see a Guidance Counsellor for clarification.
Students may check the bulletin board titled "Community Involvement Hours" outside of the Guidance Office or view the binder in the Guidance Office for further details.
These community involvement activities must be completed outside of scheduled class time, not be part of a credit course, be unpaid for a total minimum of 40 hours and must be completed by the end of Grade 12
Students may wish to consider virtual volunteering, such as connecting with seniors, organizing virtual fundraising events and facilitating discussions with newcomer youth. Outdoor volunteer opportunities could include, for example, picking up litter. Volunteer opportunities, such as connecting young people to be technology mentors to seniors, can be found through agencies such as Volunteer Durham and Youth Opportunities Ontario.
Students who would like to volunteer in their community may register online at to find virtual and in-person options.
Eligible Activities and Examples:
These guiding principles are intended to assist students and parents/guardians in determining if an activity is within an approved area:
An event or activity designed to be of benefit to the community
An event or activity to support a not-for-profit agency, institution or foundation that conforms to the ethical standards of the DDSB and Ministry
Any structured program that promotes tutoring, mentoring, visiting or coaching, or whose purpose is to assist others who require the benefit of that assistance
Participation in an event or activity that supports ethical work of a global nature
Participation in an event or activity that promotes positive environmental awareness
participation in an event or activity that contributes to the health and well-being of any ethical group that conforms to community morality and conduct, including school-based activities
Participation in an event or activity affiliated with a club, religious organization, arts or cultural association, or political organization that seeks to make a positive and ethical contribution in the community
If an activity does not fall within the guidelines, school principals can approve or reject the activity or event.
Some Community Involvement Activity Examples:
Fundraising: Includes canvassing, walk-a-thons for community benefit, celebrity games, gift wrapping, gala events, and sales for charitable purposes. Sports and Recreation: Includes coaching, helping to organize Special Olympics, track meets, summer games, or volunteering as a leisure buddy or pool assistant. Community Events: Includes helping to organize winter carnivals, parades and summer fairs. Community Projects: Includes participating in organized food drives or support services for community groups, such as 4H Clubs or Welcome Wagon. Environmental Projects: Includes participating in community clean up, flower/tree planting, recycling and general beautification projects and activities in the community. Volunteer Work With Seniors: Includes assisting in a senior's residence, for example, serving snacks, helping with activities, or participating in visiting and reading programs. Committee Work: Includes participation on advisory boards, neighbourhood associations and regional associations. Religious Activities: Includes volunteering in programs for children, child–minding, Sunday School Assistance, special events and clerical tasks. Youth Programs:Includes volunteer assistance with the operation of youth programs such as 4H, Scouts Canada, Girl Guides, Drop-in Centre activities, breakfast programs, March break programs, Leaders in Training, summer playground activities, and camps (not for profit). Office/Clerical Work for Non-Profit Organizations: Includes volunteer activity in reception, computer work and mailings for individuals or groups providing charitable or general community benefit. Work with Animals: Includes volunteer involvement with animal care, horseback riding programs, or volunteer assistance at a local zoo or petting farm. Arts and Culture: Includes volunteer assistance at a gallery, performing arts production or program, or in a community library program. Activities for Individuals: Includes any volunteering that helps people who require assistance with shopping, tutoring, light snow removal (no use of a snowblower), housekeeping, writing letters or transcribing. This can also involve hospital visitation, voluntary involvement with chronic care, or service as a volunteer reading buddy. School Community Service: May include service within the school community that provides benefit to others that take place outside the regular school day. These activities must be approved at a local level by the school principal or designate in advance of the commencement of the activity.
Submitting Your Community Involvement Hours:
Please drop your hours off or email (as an attachment) to Students are encouraged to take a copy of their hours before submitting.
Students Graduating in the 2024-2025 School Year:
For students graduating in the 2024-2025 school year the deadline date to submit hours to the Guidance Office is June 6th, 2025.
Please drop hours off to the Guidance Office or email a scanned copy (as an attachment) to
Office Staff: Guidance Secretary: Denise Bell Department Head of Careers, Cooperative Education, Guidance and Student Success: Annemarie Schilling Guidance Counsellors: Mark Duncan, Julie McCormick, Jake Smith, Tara Sneath
Counselling & Support
At the heart of Port Perry High School, the Guidance Department supports and promotes students' well-being and continuous growth in three areas: personal (student) development, interpersonal development, career development in order to help them develop resilience and realize their potential (success) as individuals and as valuable members of society. Our Guidance Team is involved in all aspects of students' lives - academic, social and emotional - and can be a point of contact for services both inside and outside of the school.
Personal Well-being and Development:
Physical health and safety
Mental and emotional health
Self knowledge and esteem
Feelings of competence, usefulness, potency
Sense of future
Self-management and self-regulation skills
Independence and autonomy
Learning skills
Problem solving
Interpersonal Well-being and Development:
Sense of belonging
Connection to school community
Interact positively with others
Conflict resolution
Sense of social responsibility
Our team uses solution-based counselling to help facilitate personal and interpersonal well-being and development. Our PPHS Change and Cope cards are utilized by students and staff to teach resiliency and self-regulation. Copies can be obtained from your Guidance Counsellor.
Career Development:
Positive transitions from elementary to secondary school and from secondary school to a variety of post-secondary destinations; including apprenticeship, college, community living, university, workplace
Career planning knowledge and skills
Skills for finding and securing work/employment
Resume, interview, work-search, etc.
Four Step Inquiry:
Who am I? (Knowing Yourself -- self assessment -- personal characteristics: interests, skills, personality, values, etc.)
What are my opportunities? (Exploring Opportunities -- variety of options for: fields of work and occupations, education and training)
Who do I want to become? (Making Decisions and Setting Goals)
What is my plan for achieving my goals (Achieving Goals and Making Transitions)
Course Change Requests
Students requiring course changes can find the request form and course schedule below. Students must be logged into their DDSB Google account to complete this request form. Requests will only be processed using the course change request form, and with legal parent/guardian acknowledgement and consent. Please do not book an appointment or email the guidance staff regarding course changes.
Course Change Requests for Semester 2 are no longer available.
Diplomas are given to students at their graduation ceremony. Students who do not attend the graduation ceremony may pick up their diploma from the school; diplomas are not mailed to students. The Ministry of Education only issues one diploma per student so it is important to keep your diploma safe as it cannot be replaced if lost or damaged. If you lose your diploma and require proof of graduation, you may order a Transcript (see Transcript Requests below).
Important Dates 2024-2025
September 3- Grade 9 Day
September 4 - First Day of Classes for Grades 10-12
September 4-13 - Co-op - Pre-placement (in-school)
September 13 - Last Day for S1 Timetable Changes
September 20-27 - Grade 9 Guidance/Library Orientation
October 1 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
October 3 - OCAS Transmission (College) and OUAC Transmission (University) Demographics
October 5-6 - OUF - Ontario University Fair - 9:30am-5pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC), South Building - Free Admission - more details
October 16-17 - Ontario College Fair - October 16 - 5pm-9pm and October 17 - 9am-2pm - Enercare Centre - Hall B, Exhibition Place, Toronto - Free Event, No Registration Required - more details
October 17 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews
October 17 - Destination: University Bound Research Tutorial - in Room 162 -Period 1 (8:00-9:15am) OR Period 4 (12:45-2:00pm) - check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up
October 21 - Universities' Fair - Gym AB - All Day - check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up OR if you are in Grade 11, sign up in Guidance
October 22 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
October 24 - Destination: College Bound Research Tutorial - in Room 162 - Period 2 (9:20-10:25am OR Period 3 (11:25am-12:40pm) -check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up
October 28 - Colleges' Fair - Gym AB - 11:25-2:00pm - check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up
October 29 - Destinations: The Nuts and Bolts of Apprenticeship - in Room 162 - Period 3 (11:25am-12:40pm)check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up or sign up in Guidance
November 6 - Take our Kids to Work Day - Grade 9s only
November 6 - Junior Awards Recognition Assembly - Gym A/B - Period 4 - 12:45-2pm
November 6 - Term 2 Begins
November 7 - How to Apply to University Workshop - Period 2 - 9:20-10:35 OR Period 4 - 12:45-2:00pm - check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up
November 8 - How to Apply to College Workshop -Period 2 - 9:20-10:35am - check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up
November 12 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
November 14 - OCAS and OUAC Transmission (Midterm Marks)
November 18 - Budgeting and Scholarships Workshop - Period 2 - 9:20-10:35am - check out the Grade 12 Guidance Hub to sign up
November 20 - OCAS/OUAC Support - at lunch - Room 162
November 27 - OCAS/OUAC Support - at lunch - Room 162
November 21 - Full Disclosure
December 3 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
December 5 - OCAS/OUAC Support - at lunch - Room 162
December 12 - OCAS/OUAC Support - at lunch - Room 162
December 19 - OCAS/OUAC Support - at lunch - Room 162
January 7 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
January 15 - Deadline for Ontario Secondary School students to submit application to OUAC for equal consideration
January 30 - February 10 - Co-op - Pre-placement (in-school)
January 30 - February 10 - Co-op - Pre-placement (in-school)
February 1 - Deadline for Ontario Secondary School students to submit application to OCAS for equal consideration
February 4-5 - myBlueprint Grade Assemblies
February 7 - Last day for timetable changes
February 11 - myBlueprint Opens for Submission at 10am
February 12 - OCAS/OUAC Transmission (Semester 1 Final Marks)
February 25 - myBlueprint Closes for Submission
March 4 - OSAP presentation - beginning at 12:45 in the Library - please sign up in the Grade 12 Guidance Hub Google Classroom
March 4 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
March 20 - Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews
April 1 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
April - Commencement Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships Application Launched
April 15 - Term 2 Begins
April 22 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
April 23 - OCAS and OUAC Transmission (Midterm Marks)
April - Full Disclosure
May 1 - Confirmed offers of admissions to Ontario colleges (most common deadline, but may vary)
May - Commencement Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships application and applicable assignments are due
May 13 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
May - Valedictorian nominations closes at 8am
May - Valedictorian voting begins at 8am
May - Valedictorian voting closes at 2pm
May 29 - Latest Date by which secondary students shall expect a response from an Ontario university
June 3 - Co-op - Integration Day (in-school)
June 6 - Last day for Grade 12s to submit final marks from private schools and Community Hours for graduation
June 26 - Commencement
July 3 - OCAS/OUAC Transmission (Final Marks and Diploma Status)
August 7 - OCAS/OUAC Summer School Mark Transmission
MyBlueprint Course Selection 2025-2026
myBlueprint is available for planning purposes and post-secondary pathways exploration only. myBlueprint will be open for submission on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 10am. As part of the process, please ensure that all IPP tasks are complete and the dashboard shows 100% completion when submitting course requests for the 2025-2026 school year. myBlueprint will close on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025.
The Guidance Department will be providing Course Planner Grade Assemblies to support this process on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 and Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.
What is myBlueprint?
myBlueprint is a comprehensive online education, career/life planning, and digital portfolio tool designed to meet students' learning needs, interests, and aspirations. myBlueprint gives students the opportunity to become an architect of their own future.
As students begin this journey, they should be asking themselves:
Who am I?
What are my opportunities?
Who do I want to become?
What is my plan for achieving my goal?
myBlueprint is a robust way for students to plan their education and possible career pathways. Students can access:
Who Am I: Comprehensive interest and career/life assessment surveys to help students learn more about themselves and their occupation matches.
Goals: Create S.M.A.R.T Goals and a plan of action to stay on track.
Resume & Cover Letters: Record experiences and export them for school or work.
High School Planner: Plan to graduate and discover the impact of course selections.
Post-Secondary: Research the opportunities available in every pathway across Canada.
Occupations: Compare extensive information on careers across Canada.
Budgets: Improve financial literacy and build an interactive budget.
Portfolios: Upload and share photos, files, and videos to multiple portfolios to document and communicate your learning journey.
Guides: Information on topics related to education and career/life planning.
Accessing myBlueprint
Click on myBlueprint for course selection at Port Perry High School School.
Course Calendar 2025-2026
Click the image to view a listing of courses offered for the 2025-2026 school year.
30 Credits My Way puts students and families in the driver's seat, empowering them to navigate their high school pathway with confidence. At Durham District School Board, the journey isn't just linear—it's about discovering the many options available to suit individual learning styles and aspirations.
Students can choose to accelerate their credit completion pace, or opt for flexible timetables tailored to their unique learning needs. By taking the driver's seat, students and families can explore diverse opportunities like Co-op placements, specialized programs such as RELC and SHSM, international language programs, and alternative learning formats like night school, summer school and eLearning.
With comprehensive Grade 9-12 courses and pathways available, students take control of their educational journey through backward design, a process that starts with identifying their desired outcomes and works backward to determine the steps needed to achieve them; they can customize their courses, ensuring alignment with their passions and goals. By understanding and embracing these options, students and families embark on their high school journey that is not only enriching but also empowering, setting the stage for lifelong success.
Click on the image below: 30 Credits My Way to view the DDSB's 30 Credits My Way landing page.
Please review our new student registration handout for details on how to register at Port Perry High School. A document review appointment will be required prior to doing course selection. There is typically a February intake date and an August intake date for document review. Please ensure you read the handout and have the required documents ready for your review appointment.
With the exception of new Grade 8 students coming from our family of schools: Cartwright Central, Prince Albert, R.H. Cornish, S.A. Cawker, McCaskill's Mills (French Immersion only), all new student registrations must be initiated online at
Online Learning Graduation Requirement Opt-Out Form
Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-2021 school year, all students must earn a minimum of two online learning credits as part of the graduation requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma unless they have been opted-out or exempted.
Families wishing to opt-out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation must complete the “Opt-Out Form.”
Online Learning Graduation Requirement
The Ontario Ministry of Education has introduced a new graduation requirement for secondary students to complete two online learning credits as part of the 30 credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). It applies to students who entered Grade 9 on or after September 1, 2020. Although students working towards an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or Certificate of Accomplishment are not required to complete this new graduation requirement they may take eLearning courses.
The graduation requirement is intended to support students in developing familiarity and comfort with learning and working in a fully online environment, as well as developing digital literacy and other important transferable skills that they will need for success after secondary school, including in post-secondary education and the workplace.
Definition of "Online Learning" for this Graduation Requirement
Online learning credits that count towards the requirement are earned through courses that are delivered using an asynchronous model. Students complete their online coursework with the support of a certified Ontario educator with whom they communicate, and who provides instruction, ongoing feedback, assessment, evaluation, and reporting as needed, including implementing any accommodations and/or modifications identified in the student’s Individual Education Plan.
Exception: Remote Learning Credit Earned in 2020-2021
The Ministry recognizes the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, up to one secondary school credit that was completed by students who were in Grade 9 during the province-wide school closures (from April 2021 to June 2021) may be counted towards the graduation requirement.
Opting-Out of the eLearning Graduation Requirement
A parent/guardian or student (18 years of age or older or 16 or 17 years of age and withdrawn from parental control) may withdraw from the online eLearning graduation requirement. No explanation or reason is needed to opt-out.
There is no deadline to opt-out and it may occur at any time during the student’s secondary school program. Students who opt-out may still take eLearning courses. Students and families are permitted to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.
To opt-out of the online eLearning graduation requirement, complete the following form and submit it to the Guidance Department.
If you have questions, please contact the Guidance Department.
School Policies, Procedures & School Structure
To view our school policies, procedures and school structure, click the PPHS crest.
Student Success
Port Perry High School is currently using several Learning to 18 strategies to meet individual student’s needs.
Expanded Co-op: Port Perry High School has been working diligently to broaden opportunities for experiential learning and give more students a chance to start working and "test-drive" career options. Port Perry H.S. offers two-credit, and four-credit co-op options.
Grade 8 to 9 Transition Program: Interventions have been established to help students make a smooth transition from elementary to secondary school. A team meeting takes place in the spring of each year to identify students in need of extra support. Activities are planned such as the Grade 8 Information Night, the Grade 8 Road Show to our community schools, and the Grade 9 Orientation at the start of the school year.
Student Success Team: Port Perry High School has a Student Success Team that is comprised of the administration, guidance and special education heads, and student success teachers. Together they will identify and support struggling students, provide more options for learning, monitor student progress, and develop procedures for all student success initiatives. As well, each Student Success Team will work with school staff, students, parents, and the community to ensure more students earn the credits necessary to graduate.
Dual Credit Program: With the dual credit program, students can earn a number of credits by participating in apprenticeship training and/or post secondary courses that count towards both or either their high school diploma and their post secondary diploma, degree, or apprenticeship certification.
Specialist High Skills Major: The SHSM allows students to focus on a career path that matches their individual skills and interests. Each major has a bundle of 6 to 12 courses in a selected field. Students who choose a major learn on the job with employers and at skills training centers, as well as in school. They can earn valuable industry certifications; including First Aid/CPR, WHMIS, and Basic Health and Safety qualifications. Students who complete a major can be confident that they leave high school prepared with the knowledge, skills, and industry-recognized qualifications desired by employers, and post-secondary education and training institutions.
For more information, please contact the Guidance office.
Summer School
Please check Durham Continuing Education website for information regarding summer school.
Transcript Requests
Students are provided with one free transcript at graduation that is included inside their graduation envelope along with their diploma and other certificates. These are legal documents and should be safely stored.
If you have lost your transcript, or need an additional transcript, you may purchase additional copies through School Cash Online(purchase as a guest, do not set up an account) at a cost of $10.75 per transcript.
After purchasing your transcript(s), please forward your payment receipt by email to and the following information:
Full Name
Mailing Address (transcript will be mailed to this address)
Last year you attended Port Perry HS
Date of Birth
Phone Number
You will be asked additional security questions prior to obtaining the transcript. Only the student (or legal guardian if student is under the age of 18 years) may request and receive his/her transcript. Port Perry High School will only have your transcript if this is the final high school you attended in Ontario. If you would like your transcript sent to a specific organization or institution, please provide the complete mailing address in your email.
Transcripts will be mailed through Canada Post and requests will not be fulfilled until proof of payment is received. We do not provide a courier service for transcripts, however, the requester may arrange and pay for their own courier pick-up and provide details to the Guidance Department.
Are you a former student applying to a college or university in Ontario?
If you have already graduated and are requesting your transcript to apply to a public post-secondary institution in Ontario, your transcript request is made through the Ontario Colleges or OUAC websites. After creating an account, you will authorize Port Perry HS to send your transcript and complete the required information. Your transcript will then be transferred electronically by the Application Center to your requested colleges or universities. Applying out of province? Please check with the post-secondary institution about how to send your transcript to their Admissions Office.
Our Guidance Counsellors host a number of free workshops for students throughout the year. Please check out our tab titled Important Dates and if you are a Grade 12 student, please accept the invitation to the Grade 12 Guidance Hub Google Classroom.
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